Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Not So Berry Challenge Starting!

Here's our first sim for the Not So Berry Challenge!

Her name is Minty Berry (because I lack imagination haha) and she just moved into a little two-bedroom home in Willow Creek. Her new journal will have the first post soon!

NEW Household!

I've done a lot of challenges over the years since I started playing The Sims, but I've never gave a genuine attempt at the Not So Berry Challenge so I've decided to give that a try.

I'll add the challenge rules to the "About the Families" section and create the journal and then update that journal as I play. Wish me luck! lol

Ongoing Okadas (The Growing Family)

Those Okadas sure are busy people! Always on the move! Moving out, moving in, moving up (in age). Brennen updated his journal, don't miss out on what they're up to!

Our Growing Family (

Monday, January 11, 2021

The Randomized Household is Updated

Reese Steinberg of the Randomized Household has updated his journal with a few entries. They've had busy lives with a lot happening and even more big events coming up! 

Randomized Household

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Regarding Royalty

King Thomas I has updated his journal. It seems he has a few matters to tend to, two of which could cause major changes to his kingdom and family.

The Stonage Royalty Family

Friday, January 8, 2021

Middleton Madness

It's all about the Middletons today! Stay tuned for journal updates coming soon!

Growing Up Okada

Brennen Okada, blogger of The Growing Family, has been going through a lot of changes in a very short time. He's been doing a lot of growing too and the timing couldn't have been better because he's sure going to need that extra growth and maturity for what he has going on in his life! Go check it out! 

Our Growing Family ( 

Monday, January 4, 2021

Randomized Household Journal Updated

The Steinbergs have updated their journal and they sure do have a lot going on. There have been big changes. I don't envy them right now!

The Simmer Journals: Randomized Household

Friday, January 1, 2021

Not So Berry Challenge Starting!

Here's our first sim for the Not So Berry Challenge! Her name is Minty Berry (because I lack imagination haha) and she just moved into a...